Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword raizindaroof

Week - 297

Interview with a Meepit
by crazy_monkey_luver_3
Description: Its blank stare makes even Dr. Frank Sloth shiver... its pink complexion makes the Pant Devil curl up under the covers and cower in terror...

Also by raizindaroof

Week - 291

An Illusion Spun: Part One
by raizindaroof
Description: It was desolate -- completely, utterly, and totally empty. There were no beach chairs, no lifeguards, no sand castles, no pets swimming in the crystal-clear waters. It was as if Cherry was the only pet in the world...

Week - 292

An Illusion Spun: Part Two
by raizindaroof
Description: "There's a Mootix buzzing around here. I figured we could fry it." Her eyes traveled to the pile of logs that was obviously lacking in fire-building quality. "If we get a fire going, that is..."

Week - 293

An Illusion Spun: Part Three
by raizindaroof
Description: They had scoured the island with a treasure hunter's eye, searching for anything that could help them escape this island -- because in whose wildest dreams did four pets wind up on a forgotten speck in the middle of the sea, unable to remember how exactly they had gotten there?

Week - 294

An Illusion Spun: Part Four
by raizindaroof
Description: "What are you talking about?" Karik demanded. He had dropped the coconut and was standing above her, breathing heavily, looking bewildered and slightly wild-eyed...

Week - 295

An Illusion Spun: Part Five
by raizindaroof
Description: Cherry blinked in the sudden blinding light. Her body felt stiff, as if she hadn't moved in days. She had been struck with a pounding headache, and she groaned inwardly, though outwardly, she was incapable of producing a single sound. Where am I?

Week - 296

An Illusion Spun: Part Six
by raizindaroof
Description: She darted through the opening, tensed, her paws in front of her, ready for action. But Rhina, the malicious faerie bent on world domination, was nowhere to be found...

Week - 323

A Christmas Gift
by raizindaroof
Description: "I hate the spelling bee," whispered Kaz behind his cupped paw as Jimmy reeled off the spelling...

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Markers and Scissors
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What Not To Buy
Gift buying 101, what NOT to get that special friend. :3

Idea by pineapple_apple

by xo_madison_ox


Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: Mika and Carassa
I am here to do a feature article on Mika and Carassa, and to find out why their Igloo Garage Sale continues to be so popular.

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10 Must-Have Stocking Stuffers For Under 5000 NP!
Here, you'll find this season's must-have stocking stuffers that will save you from living out of a cardboard box come New Year's Day... and they're guaranteed to satisfy any Neopian's tastebuds...

by evie_firebolt

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