Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword wicked_summer

Week - 270

Victory Incomplete
by wicked_summer
Description: It's hard to roar when you weigh about as much as the average bag of flour. It worked anyway. The faerie Acara screamed and fell backwards...

Week - 274

Carpenter and the Dark Sun
by wicked_summer
Description: It had been six months since the day Shard and I had been banished from the gallion clan we used to belong to. Six months, and the scars still hadn't healed; maybe they never would...

Week - 283

Shifting Sands and the Snowager: Part One
by wicked_summer
Description: He was standing on a ledge looking over Happy Valley, but from this distance the dome-shaped buildings shrunk to the size of matchboxes, and the individual pets to the size of ash falling from the matches...

Week - 284

Shifting Sands and the Snowager: Part Two
by wicked_summer
Description: "There are an awful lot of thieves. We probably would have killed each other by now if it hadn't been for a set of unwritten rules, strictly maintained. Well, someone broke those rules. A group called..."

Week - 291

Gallion Journeys
by wicked_summer
Description: That is not food! I gestured towards the item I was trying to buy. It's a piece of meat stuck on a twig!

Week - 315

With Broken Wings
by wicked_summer
Description: Tomeo was the one who saw it. He was carving out a pumpkin with his knife when he spotted the flying shape...

Week - 321

Ice Crystal Guardian
by wicked_summer
Description: Ice liked reading, but right now he couldn't concentrate. He flexed his clawed right paw in its glove of thick leather. The small, diamond-like crystal set into the tough material gleamed faintly...

Week - 323

Christmas on the Citadel
by wicked_summer
Description: I hadn't meant to come. I had intended to drift around, thinking my own thoughts. Alone on Christmas is fine with me...

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