Top 10 Gifts for this Holiday Season and More!! by lesliewolf10
Hi everyone! I've been spending some time shopping around for holiday gifts and decided to make a guide on buying holiday gifts! Here are my Top 10 picks for presents for your pets:1. A petpet! These cute friends for your pet make them so happy! If your pet is painted, try to get them a petpet that matches their look. For example, a Darigan Kougra would not look very scary with a Faerie Kadoatie! A Darigan Quetzal would be great, though. Or even a black petpet.
2. A petpetpet. They can be very expensive, but can be found in a couple Random Events; they are pretty rare, though.
3. For those flashy pets with the huge claws and sharp fangs, Battledome equipment is an essential. Bottled Faeries, though they may look girly, can be a humongous help if they bless your pet. For example, my Kougra has Heal. I use it whenever she has just a few HP left and she is back on track! They are so helpful! Items such as, say, the Obsidian Dagger, do damage to your opponent, and are cheap. The more expensive BD items are much better most of the time. But, if you're like me, spending too much is a problem when you're saving up for something heee-UGEly expensive or just can't afford it.
4. Now for some cheaper stuff! Toys like keyrings or plushies or makeup improve your pets' mood too, and they are great if you're on a budget. Blue Ixi Plushies are so common they can be bought for about 3 neopoints in the Marketplace. Keyrings can be up to around 799NP, but the cheaper ones can be only about 200 or less. I haven't bought any of these in so long I don't remember!!
5. Now this is getting REALLY expensive, but they are amazing gifts. Secret Laboratory Maps make awesome presents. I highly recommend them over paintbrushes. For example, buy a full map set for about 900,000NP. All of your pets gain movement, maximum hit points, change gender, species and color! If you want your Peophin painted Sponge, buy one of these and wait. It's bound to happen! And in the meantime it will probably change many different colors. It may seem expensive, but they actually are much cheaper than buying and buying spillions of different paintbrushes.
6. If you have 4 pets, 4 petpets and 4 petpetpets, you have a lot of foursomes. And of course your pets are always complaining that they need privacy! Get each of your pets their own room! Great gift! It could take some (Okay, a lot) of saving, but there are many great guides out there for earning NP.
7. Petpet Laboratory Map! These are less expensive than it's older sibling, only 8-12k (k=thousand, 600k=600,000 NP) BUT IN ORDER TO USE THIS YOU MUST MUST MUST HAVE THE REGULAR SECRET LABORATORY MAP!!!!!!!! OR IT WILL NOT WORK; DO NOT WASTE YOUR NEOPOINTS!! But when they do work, they are highly awesome. Cloud Drackobunnies, Faerie Snowbunnies, they can all be found, erm, zapped here.
8. If you have 3 or fewer pets, adopt your Neopets a new brother or sister! Make sure they feel welcome, give them a petpet and a warm bed. It's your holiday present to your pets and a homeless pet. In fact 2 homeless pets because now there is more room in the Pound to take in another poor little pet.
9. Buy some Neocash (secretly so your pets won't catch on) and buy your pets some nifty accessories and clothes, maybe a Mystery Capsule. They'll worship you!!... even more!! 10. Last but not least, for a great New Year's dinner, take them to Kelp! Sure the food is *gulp* 48,000NP for a full course meal... minus the dessert... but your pets will LOVE it! EXTRA: My Top 10 Gifts for your Neofriends: IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT:
Paintbrushes will have your NFs on their knees, bowing down to you. Lab Ray Map pieces seem to have the same effect, as well as morphing potions, transmogrification potions, expensive backgrounds, Neocash stuff (I am not sure if you can give that?) if you can. Mystery Capsules, I think, are extremely radical. If you know their email, there's many "adoption agencies" that have free painted pets up for adoption. You can get one and send it to your friend! Or make your friend an account with a painted pet on it already! Great holiday gifts!
Like I said, check the bottom of this article for some awesome earning Neopoints. But some inexpensive gifts for your friends could be toys for their pets (listed above, I'm not going through them again), smaller, cheaper Neocash items, like accessories or trinkets, and if you do that, check put their pets first. If they have a female Blue Kougra (like mine), a Hidden Tower background is gorgeous, and if you want to throw in a little extra something you could buy a trinket, such as a Fortune Telling Crystal Ball or a Floating Fyora Faerie Doll. A male Starry Xweetok (you can see I'm using mine for examples) would look ravishing with a Wizarding Apprentice Robe and a Golden Genie Lamp, or without the Genie Lamp because the Robe is pretty expensive anyway. But little matches like that are awesome!
Other small things, like if your friend is a Newbie and is having a hard time affording food, buy them a couple omelettes! They are everywhere! I can't seem to get away from them! If you go to the Trading Post there are entire trades of omelettes for 10NP! And other food that will look fancy to them but is really cheap. Don't tell them. They don't need to know. TIPS FOR SPENDING AND SAVING: Don't splurge! Save! Set goals! Set a goal for 100,000. Save!!! Then set a goal for 200,000, 300,000, 1 million. THEN buy what you want, and start over. So have a happy winter season and remember... SAVE TO SPEND!