There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 186,904,174 Issue: 325 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Psychic Omelette

by seahorsepond

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Memories of a Neopet - Neomail
The quantity of saliva to place on the envelope was left unspecified.

by neokittycatt


Familiar Consequences
With a sigh, he lifted the edge of the envelope up to a single fang and pulled, slicing the paper container open...

by puppy200010


Three Wishes: Part Three
"I can't believe Sylkon sent us here," she growled. "If it was a Genie that sent us here... then he made the wish! This is all his fault!"

by rachelindea


The Flaming Hat Incident
It's a... hat?

by coconutcream

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