A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 186,904,174 Issue: 325 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Dull Crayon: Ever have the feeling of being watched?

by hanna_xu

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Masks and Roses: Part Seven
The whole purpose of Kat's mission had been to defeat Gwendolyn, to let her mum go on living normally...

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The Faerie Dilemma: Part Five
They had to take a rest, but at the same time he felt as if they did go and sleep, the world would end while they were snoozing away!

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Another Hero's Journey: Dreams - Part Three
The white Blumaroo nearly strained his neck as he looked all around him excitedly, taking in the clean marble walls, the paintings in gilded frames, tapestries...

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Storm at Sea: Part Three
Vivian was very uneasy. The electric Ixi sorceress whispered to Ivy, "Why haven't we seen any Dark Faeries?"

by saphira_27

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