There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,074,095 Issue: 326 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y10
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New Year Resolutions

by lasdarkfirewolf

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Great stories!


The Darkest Faerie Returns: Part Two
"What are you two doing in there?! Don't you know that only Siyana and King Altador are allowed in there? Get out before somebody sees you!"

by ewagon


That's Random - After Christmas
Christmas is OVER! *GULP*

by girls232323


The Magical Coconut Mission: Part One
"I don't pay you a Neopoint per hour to play around in the woods and be late! There are coconuts to be unpacked and stacked!"

Also by chivo

by anjie


What The Heck?
Then he felt faster...

by extorpid

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