Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword korked

Week - 297

When It Comes To Competition...
by korked
Description: Faeries aren't so innocent!

Week - 327

The Numnums: Conceited much?
by korked
Description: #1 Coolest Neopet EVER!

Idea by ridiculer

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How to Make Good Screenshots
Above all else, you must use your common sense, and be creative.

by weaponstar


Neozxc Nonsense
At the Drawing Board

by neozxc20


Talk About Manly Pride
Excuse me, miss?

by spooky_cookie


The Numnums: Conceited much?
#1 Coolest Neopet EVER!

Idea by ridiculer

by korked


The Other Side of the Rainbow
I looked up and saw hundreds and hundreds of these miserable creatures scattered all over the land. I knew suddenly we weren't in some neopoint-filled paradise; we had arrived in Roo Island...

Also written by scenette

by dark_slammer

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