teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Neozxc Nonsense

by neozxc20

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Customisation Conundrum: To Dung or Not to Dung
One item has caused controversy since the customisation program has been created.

Co-written by petitehirondelline

by mazoku_kuiin


Progressive Stupidity
Hold still.

by invader_chloemew


The Faerie Blues
"Whyyyyyyyy?!" she shrieked mournfully, throwing herself back down onto the pillow...

by scarletspindle


Guide to Successful Training and Weaponry by Boost
Alisha breaks down boost fighting, old skool style. Boost all the way! *insert rocker sign here*

by alisha_119

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