The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 177,073,977 Issue: 330 | 15th day of Awakening, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword j_c1993

Week - 325

My Year in Shenkuu: Part One
by j_c1993
Description: "What do you think you're doing?" asked the Acara in the voice of those in the higher society. It sounded sweet, but the venom in it was obvious...

Also by heeken

Week - 326

My Year in Shenkuu: Part Two
by j_c1993
Description: In fact, due to Tanny's repeated attempts to apologise (albeit half-heartedly) to Aceliane, the little Queen Buzz had ordered her Swarm to attack the outsider even harder...

Also by heeken

Week - 327

My Year in Shenkuu: Part Three
by j_c1993
Description: "That extra five thousand Neopoints and the gold trophy should have been MINE!!" yelled Tanny angrily as she punched the pillow, oblivious to all the flinching and wincing. "That stupid Acara took it all from me..."

Also by heeken

Week - 328

My Year in Shenkuu: Part Four
by j_c1993
Description: Tanny rubbed her eyes, and shook Aceliane awake. It was not the smartest thing to do, for as soon as the Acara woke, she began insulting and scolding Tanny...

Also by heeken

Week - 329

My Year in Shenkuu: Part Five
by j_c1993
Description: Tanny was going to begin a civil conversation, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she was pushed into a corner...

Also by heeken

Week - 330

My Year in Shenkuu: Part Six
by j_c1993
Description: "Fly faster!" yelled the Acara desperately, subconsciously pulling out Tanny's feathers...

Also by heeken

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