Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 177,073,951 Issue: 331 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y10
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword seegensays

Week - 328

This Glass Container: Part One
by seegensays
Description: She hadn't really been participating throughout the meeting, actually. She was a relatively young Dark Faerie, lacking the experience that the others had. She didn't want to embarrass herself by speaking out...

Week - 330

This Glass Container: Part Two
by seegensays
Description: She had to admit, being called egotistical was a plus. Just one of the many unpleasant qualities she needed to master as a Dark Faerie...

Week - 331

This Glass Container: Part Three
by seegensays
Description: She closed her eyes and blissfully spiraled through the raindrops, which were pounding towards Neopia at a steadily increasing rate. She was free...

Week - 329

Love Lost
by seegensays
Description: At first glance, it seemed as if there was only one visitor – a small Earth Faerie girl of perhaps twelve or thirteen, eyes wide with fear...

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Strange Cases: Behemoth - Part Two
Each door led off to a different division, its name engraved on a burnished plaque above it. They passed Major Crimes and Natural Disasters first, followed by Anti-Megalomania, Encryptions, Plots...

by tambourine_chimp


Carving Meaty Marvels in Hot Dog Hero
The condiments – mustard, mayo and ketchup – are used to construct pathways (using the mouse) for your vulnerable meaty friends.

by jugular_freeman


Writing Magic
It was a newspaper. I never really found much intrigue in it; I usually would just fetch it for Mom every morning. I didn't know Neopian citizens actually WROTE it...

by x_unlucky


Other Ways to Play the TCG Game at Home
Enjoy the trading cards but hate playing the normal power decks format because you don’t have 10 of the rare holos you want? Well, my family has come up with 3 new ways to play.

by katieroseneo


This Glass Container: Part Three
She closed her eyes and blissfully spiraled through the raindrops, which were pounding towards Neopia at a steadily increasing rate. She was free...

by seegensays

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