Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,073,899 Issue: 333 | 7th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword punctuation_ninja

Week - 300

Of Storms and Crumpets
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Rain fell in torrents across his window and another lightning flash illuminated his room. The light flickered for a second before coming back on...

Week - 309

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part One
by punctuation_ninja
Description: It was some time after midnight. Rae knew that if he got caught coming home at this hour, and in this state, he'd be grounded for the rest of his life...

Week - 310

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Two
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Out of his small window he could see a faint tinge of colour on the horizon. It was almost dawn, and he was indeed late...

Week - 311

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Three
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Rae was out of his seat and halfway across the room before he heard his aunt's voice. "Raeden. A word, please..."

Week - 312

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Four
by punctuation_ninja
Description: "Things started to go very wrong for the newcomers after that. The Sphere has, according to legend, unlimited power..."

Week - 313

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Five
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Pouncer called them into a huddle. "Right. Puffy, Sunshine and I will start digging under that tree- you said that was the most likely place, Queenie?"

Week - 314

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Six
by punctuation_ninja
Description: He had no doubt how a fight with Copper would end. The silence was broken briefly by a loud thump, and Rae knew Copper had jumped into the basement...

Week - 316

Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Seven
by punctuation_ninja
Description: As soon as his paw touched the Sphere, Rae felt a jolt of electricity run through his body. Time froze...

Week - 315

by punctuation_ninja
Description: He hadn't locked it. He knew he hadn't. He couldn't have, because there was no lock and no key...

Week - 326

Masquerades: Part One
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Clearing his throat and straightening his tie again, James steeled himself for a second before knocking on the door. A prim Cybunny wearing spectacles answered it, and looked him up and down disdainfully...

Week - 327

Masquerades: Part Two
by punctuation_ninja
Description: Deirdre leaned back in her bench and folded her arms as she glared at him indignantly. "It's times like this that I really wish I wasn't your secretary, sir..."

Week - 328

Masquerades: Part Three
by punctuation_ninja
Description: "It doesn't add up," James said in a low voice. "I have a suspicion there's more than meets the eye around here. What say we do a bit of snooping, Deirdre?"

Week - 329

Masquerades: Part Four
by punctuation_ninja
Description: He rounded the corner in time to see two pets exiting a room, the smaller of the two locking the door after them. James instantly shrank back into the shadows...

Week - 330

Masquerades: Part Five
by punctuation_ninja
Description: "What's the point of having a party without coffee? It's like having a sandwich without bread..."

Week - 331

Masquerades: Part Six
by punctuation_ninja
Description: James flinched and closed his eyes as the Gelert butler raised his bat...

Week - 332

Masquerades: Part Seven
by punctuation_ninja
Description: "I feel privileged," James called up to the Nimmo, grinning. "It's not every day that I get used as a makeshift ladder..."

Week - 333

Masquerades: Part Eight
by punctuation_ninja
Description: "Have you ever known what it's like to be faced with poverty, Mr Trix? No? Let me enlighten you..."

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