The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 177,073,878 Issue: 334 | 14th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword coffee_rush

Week - 334

...Humor Intended
by coffee_rush
Description: Things aren't always what they seem...

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Well, he DOES have a big head...

by chicken_timer


Food Fight: Food in the Battledome
Some of you may think that throwing a pea or a hunk of asparagus at your opponent is not going to do much harm; well, this is not the case! Some of the strongest battle weapons in the game are some sort of foodstuff.

by dudeperson41


Two Sisters
Suddenly, a second ball of light floated from the pot. It should have been a shining gold, but instead it was a deep purple. The elders stared in shock at what happened...

by piratemastergirl


Surviving the Plot Madness
Plots are composed of three basic elements: puzzles, wars, and prizes. Each of these elements has a profound effect on Neopia, and many changes come as a result of them.

by mookie99


Illusen-Themed Activities to Celebrate Illusen Day
The most obvious thing to do today is going to Meridell, stepping into Illusen's Glade and asking her for a quest.

by anamya

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