Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,073,878 Issue: 334 | 14th day of Running, Y10
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Unadventurous Adventures: Tough to be a Petpet

by christa_iz_cool

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The New Guy Seems Familiar...
The Down For Maintenance Pteri seems to be moonlighting...

by koshi24


The Chronicles of K'drathe: Part Two
As Silvana walked into the classroom, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around, but no one was there. She decided she had imagined it...

by aislynn7777


Customisation Fun #3
Yay another great Customisation Fun comic out! *claps*

by bernice_dao


A Room Full of Instruments
Today, he had decided, he was going to have a flute sale. All day long, he would restock only flutes. All with a 2,000 Neopoint discount. It was brilliant...

by sweetie_me274

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