Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword qazfan

Week - 303

Arx Hallex
by qazfan
Description: Poor paper petpet...

Co-authored by neesboy

Week - 310

Of Heroes, Heroics, and Other Such Things
by neesboy
Description: Effri glanced at the front page, and then absent-mindedly made up the promised coffee. A theft at the Art Gallery...

Also by qazfan

Week - 338

Arx Hallex
by qazfan
Description: Comic relief strikes again.

Co-authored by neesboy

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Fountain Fumbles 1
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After you are matched with your perfect buddy, you will be ready for some fun!

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Dreams of Flying
Well, it wasn't so much being a Draik. It was true, he liked his midnight blue scales spangled with golden stars, and being able to light the candles on his birthday cake...

by dianacat777


What Pets Are Now: A Trophy
I also like to make my pets pretty, and such. But I know that is not the whole point of Neopets.

by hawkstorm_


Learning to Accept
Yes, indeed, Lil and Shirly used to be one of Neopia's wealthy, high up on the society ladder with the avatar collectors, the Battledomers, and the restockers...

by liz4rd

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