teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword rest_in_boredom

Week - 304

Kiko Kraziness
by rest_in_boredom
Description: Who ever invented Sponge Kikos?!

Art by pyrosquirrelx

Week - 320

Advanced Chemistry for Beginners
by rest_in_boredom
Description: This Ixi will tell you all you need to know (or maybe one important thing) about this thing called Chemistry for Beginners!

Also by zewq

Week - 338

Conkerberries on the Horizon
by rest_in_boredom
Description: Firecrafter was woken by a bright flash, seen from behind his closed eyelids...

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Teaching Misery
"Today is Grey Day." The Eyrie gave a disdainful snort and sighed. "So you're ruining the festive atmosphere..."

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A Misjudged City: Part One
"Alright, fine," said Sorren boldly. "I'll go by myself then, if you're so scared." He turned and started walking...

by brightheart250


Why They Don't Wear Clothes!
There are three neglected segments of the Neopet population that, sadly, can't don clothes or hand-held accessories. These are the Baby Neopets, the Maraquan Neopets, and the Mutant Neopets...

by indulgences


To Write Comics Is Very Difficult...
...very very very very very difficult. (And I still need one idea.)

by _fontain_faerie_


neoventures #2
There's no easy way to complete an Illusen's Quest.

by guardianpinkneko

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