For an easier life Circulation: 176,434,818 Issue: 340 | 25th day of Eating, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword quarbie

Week - 332

The Baby Pteri and Your Petpet
by quarbie
Description: They are SO excited!

Week - 337

The Baby Pteri and Your Petpet - Part 2
by quarbie
Description: The dream of the rock

Week - 340

Boochi Attacks Again!
by quarbie
Description: Poor little Buzz, now he can't fly.

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by kevinlin1216


St-!St! ST!
Grey pets tend to be jumpy.

by fwipinator


L00py - Springy Eyes
Yeah, that would be a LOT better.

by pichupet101


How To Get Coco Roll
Yes, there is a way to still get it...

by lunasword


Research and Development
It was well known that the vast majority stock holder in Virtupets had always been Doctor Frank Sloth. Never anything that could be proved, of course...

by neesboy

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