There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 176,283,265 Issue: 345 | 30th day of Hunting, Y10
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The Class of '08 Part Ten

by _dead_meat_x_

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Great stories!


The Truth About Scarblade's Socks
Go look for yourself. They're right there. I didn't believe it myself at first. I sat there staring for a few moments.

by squareular


Light House Life (shocking issue)
Believe it or not: Rini actually learned something.

by louishooper


The Valley of Spam
Oohh how cute.

by chichikokoyamma


A Song for the Faerie Queen
I don't want you to mess it up. Morgan opted to keep that thought unspoken. "How about you go visit Mr. Baxley and see if the oven's ready?"

by playmobil_is_my_life

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