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Feasting with Fyora's Favourite Foods

by anjie


Also by chivo

It’s often been said that to daydream is to have your head lost in the clouds. Daydreams stem from a wondrous thing we here in Neopia know as imagination, often spurred by the turning of a page, the continuation of a story, the anticipation of a cliffhanger. Imagination is often inspired by a simple book. What better place to seek the perfect tome than the Faerieland Bookshop? Nestled gently among the alabaster clouds that surround Faerieland, this humble store stocks Neopian classics for all ages.

For the baby Neopet just starting to venture into the amazing world of imagination and reading, why not pick up a copy of Simple Spells? For the pet more prone to risk-taking, grab a copy of ‘Playing with Fire’. But for those of you who want to create something truly inspiring and pay homage to Neopia’s most revered monarch, I would suggest seeking a shimmering new copy of Fyora’s Favourite Foods. This violet toned book is a delightful collection of the Faerie Queen’s most beloved treats and beverages, over two hundred pages of mouth-watering morsels that are easy to prepare or purchase and give any winged queen a few moments to take off the tiara, sit back and indulge. The book even has a handy little winged bookmark built in, perfect for keeping track of your page while holding a mixing bowl in one hand and your sceptre in the other!

What kind of tasty tempers might you find within the glossy pages? Sit back and we’ll take a sneak peak at Fyora’s Favourite Foods!

Glorious Fyora Sundae: A trio of rainbow toned dollops of the most luscious ice-cream one could ever imagine, served in a tastefully designed bowl moulded to reflect the Queen’s own wings. One single wafer tucked in between the scoops makes the perfect edible spoon and acts as a fantastic launching device should you need to fling the food in the direction of a certain Faerie’s dark cloud.

Fruity Faerie Fingers: Delicious, crisp breadsticks, golden brown and perfect for eating while reclining upon the throne, issuing the latest royal orders. Fyora does warn that it’s best to avoid eating these little treats while pointing, as the warm jam they’re served with has been known to go flying as the breadstick is pointed around to emphasise one’s ruling. Her majesty takes no responsibility for the cleaning fees for faerie clothes affected by this issue.

Jhudora Day Soup: In the interest of maintaining good relations between the ruling class of Faeries and those of a slightly more sinister vocation, Fyora recommends everyone give this steaming, simmering Jhudora Day Soup a try. It’s the perfect wicked treat on a cold, blustery day. Simply because Jhudora is slightly sinister and produces other such delicacies as Poison Lollypops is no reason to feel that the meal will end with a cry of “Hey waiter, there’s pure evil in my soup!”

Illusen Day Pizza: In the interest of indicating that her majesty takes neither side in the ongoing feud between Jhudora and Illusen, Fyora would also like to recommend this delicious vegetarian treat from Meridell’s lady of the glade. This light pizza claims that it won’t ruin your appetite, though Fyora suggests eating seventeen slices during an all night game of Cheat might.

Fyora Faerie Straw: This elongated violet tube is filled with delicious, fruity faerie sugar. It’s perfect to nibble on while you’re restocking the Hidden Tower. You could also try shoving a Super Attack Pea inside and aiming at the next person who demands a free Baby Paint Brush, but that wouldn’t be very regal, would it?

Fyora Gum: Three colors, three flavours! This glittering gum has a taste that won’t run out and is guaranteed to make even the most coarse chewer appear ladylike and regal. This guarantee should be considered void if gum is stuck under a Fyora Inspired Vanity Table after use. That’s just not a queen-like habit!

Heavenly Roast Turkey: The one roast turkey where you won’t be fighting over the wings! This flittering feast is both tasty and appealing to the eye. Anyone who claims devouring a bright pink turkey with glittering orange wings isn’t the norm clearly hasn’t spent a night in the Faerie Tower banquet hall! Just divine!

Thornberry Faerie Bubble: One of the newer additions to the much loved Faerie Bubble line of treats, Fyora suggests that it’s best to remember that although the sugary Thornberry goo in the center of this edible sphere is delicious, the spiky Thornberries that float within it are best cut into small pieces for baby Neopets.

Faerie Dumplings: These dumplings go beautifully in Chunky Mushroom Soup. Those little wings on the side of each dumpling aren’t the reason these treats can levitate. They’re just that light when cooked well!

Fire Faerie Sundae: Best enjoyed on a cold night in Terror Mountain, Fyora’s favourite treat when visiting the Negg Faerie in the Ice Caves. The delicious Ice cream doesn’t melt or puddle, but you might need to wear some thick gloves to handle the fiery glass the sundae is set in. Fyora recommends Ice pets try the Light Faerie Sundae as a substitute; no one wants a Poogle Puddle!

Vegetarian Fyora Day Taco: Delicious for the lips and easy on the hips, this vegetarian delight is perfect for the Faerie watching her figure! It’s full of tasty treats from the Hidden Tower vegetable garden and the little wings perched on each side of the taco shell make for the perfect grip. No more spilling your dinner onto your lap when you can hold on this easily!

The Faerie Queen Burrito: For those who were looking a little pale at the idea of vegetables, this meaty treat is a divine melody of beans, meat and burrito bread designed with the Faerie logo on it. Fyora recommends packing a few of these when you go off to see the next Altador Cup; they’re good eating hot or cold!

Beany Burpers: An old Faerieland favourite! These tiny tempters are grown in Fyora’s window-box garden and are delicious served in a Faerie Queen Burrito. Be careful not to eat too many before an important speech to the population of Faerieland, however; Fyora suggests they may cause a slight breeze!

Candy Fyora Staff: There can only be one beautiful ruler of Faerieland, and sadly for most of us, we won’t ever reach that position. It doesn’t mean we can’t have the next best thing, though! This imitation Fyora Staff is sugary and delicious. Once you’ve battled the forces of evil with it and pointed it at a few passers by while issuing royal decrees, feel free to take a bite! (If you do happen to be Fyora, it’s best not to bite into your staff. Toothmarks can wear the finish away.)

Chocolate Fyora Crown: It’s rumoured that Fyora makes these crowns herself; now you can do the same! Simply create a crown shaped mould and fill with the most delicious chocolate you can find and melt. Top with one violet colored sweet at the tip of the highest peak and parade around like Fyora herself! Please note, it’s best to make sure the crown has dried completely before attempting to wear it. Best not worn on a sunny day.

Countless tasty treats and fluttering feasts await you when you purchase a copy of Fyora’s Favourite Foods. Her majesty does offer one final comment for the hungry shopper venturing into the Faerieland Food Store.

Even pretty, glittering wings stuck on an artichoke can’t improve the taste. No amount of magic ever could.

Happy Feasting on Fyora Day!

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