There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kotaeia

Week - 320

Korin's Trial
by kotaeia
Description: The Faerie Xweetok was reading the Neopian Times and had just come across yet another story about the popular, painted pet bullying the unpainted pet...

Week - 336

Omelette Demander
by kotaeia
Description: "NO! You cannot take more than one slice per day!"

Week - 347

Large and (Supposedly) in Charge
by kotaeia
Description: Kata and I dashed over to the source of the voice, and were greeted by Faeries. Hundreds of Faeries...

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200m Peanut Dash: Game Guide
In this game you play a puppyblew who is playing fetch with a green Elephante.

by star_shine_88


Roomies 3: Part Two
Jesc frowned. She couldn't explain it, but something just didn't feel right...

by vanessa1357924680


Witches Further Abroad: Part One
It was the annual witch convention. Well, annual might have been stretching it a bit; it was the first witch convention...

by herdygerdy


The Golden Globes of Light: Part Three
"We must have traveled an extremely long distance back in time, because there are no mountain ranges like this that I know of in modern or medieval Neopia..."

by torkie10


Medical Tree: The folks at Mystery Island
I hear they ruunn the tiki tours...

by leetmango

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