Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,283,131 Issue: 350 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y10
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword samschelfhout2

Week - 180

Interview with the Hungry Meerca
by samschelfhout2
Description: How does he do it? The ability to eat dozens of neggs in one minute is quite an appetite. That's why I decided to interview the hungry Meerca from the new game "Meerca Chase II".

Week - 251

Story Behind the Cup: Kiko Lake
by samschelfhout2
Description: Kiko Lake entered the tournament as the underdog, coming from a mini world instead of an actual world. This team had a lot to prove to its critics...

Week - 306

Take the Field
by samschelfhout2
Description: "Haha, no way! You're no good at Yooyuball; go home and draw or something. Make the teacher proud, teacher's pet!"

Week - 342

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part One
by samschelfhout2
Description: "In past tournaments, some of the elite players have been recruited by professional Altador Cup teams. If you try hard enough, you could be in the World Championship Game..."

Week - 343

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Two
by samschelfhout2
Description: "We gave ourselves the day off after we won our game today," Reshar said. "But I don't know what to do on a day off..."

Week - 344

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Three
by samschelfhout2
Description: "We play Brightvale next. It's going to be tough, and I heard there's going to be thousands of people there to watch us... including Altador Cup scouts!"

Week - 345

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Four
by samschelfhout2
Description: The referee once again blew his whistle and the next Yooyu to appear was a faerie Yooyu...

Week - 346

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Five
by samschelfhout2
Description: The score was 1-0 with 25 seconds left. The players returned to their positions, and the next Yooyu to appear was...

Week - 347

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Six
by samschelfhout2
Description: "Now fans," the announcer said, "LET'S PLAY SOME YOOYUBALL!"

Week - 348

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Seven
by samschelfhout2
Description: "You must be Reshar! Welcome to the team," she said happily. "My name is Adelene. I'll be your coach this year..."

Week - 349

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Eight
by samschelfhout2
Description: "How do you feel to be on a team like Darigan Citadel as the youngest player in Altador Cup history?"

Week - 350

Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Nine
by samschelfhout2
Description: Darigan Citadel still had the lead 3-1 with ten seconds left. A faerie Yooyu appeared...

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