Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 175,958,008 Issue: 352 | 24th day of Swimming, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword yampuff

Week - 331

Rainbow Fountain Woes
by yampuff
Description: Why the Rainbow Fountain Faerie hates avatars...

Week - 338

When Muffins Fail
by yampuff
Description: Freshly baked muffins don't always bring happiness...

Week - 347

Getting the Best of the Post
by yampuff
Description: It makes a huge difference if the trade is the newest one there or the oldest.

Week - 350

Secrets of the Petpet Lab
by yampuff
Description: I've lost my marbles!

Also by starluff

Week - 352

Mind Boggling!
by yampuff
Description: A list of Neopia's top ten brain-teasers, each in a different location!

Week - 351

Silence of the Techo-fan
by yampuff
Description: There was only one fellow in Neopia who could do the job.

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The King of Werelupes: Part Three
"Apsy snuck out a few minutes ago. I figured she was meeting with Fanger. Have you seen him?"

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Entertainment Value
Kind of stating the obvious on that one...

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Pride, Prose, and Princes: Part Eight
"He was muttering to himself behind the Armory building, polishing a helmet. He spoke quietly and without expression, but even I can know true talent when I come across it..."

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