Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 175,957,853 Issue: 354 | 8th day of Hiding, Y10
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword _mariokart_

Week - 354

Galleries Galore!!!
by _mariokart_
Description: It is up to you to decide which type of gallery you would like to have. No one can tell you which gallery is right for you.

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Great stories!


Kaleidoscope #2 - The Lab Ray
Being zapped could be a traumatic experience for your pet.

by milk_bar


Avatar Collecting: The Sport, Obsession, and Problem
I believe that we lost the point of gaining avatars. The reward of a cool new avatar for participating, exploring, and looking up has become clickable.

by syrithina


Just Our Luck
Myatoe's creative solution to a rather large mess.

Also by syko_skwerl

by kzoolaur


Tegema's Quest
Hastily shoving the stopwatch back into her bag, she looked back up as the shopkeeper dragged the Spicy Geraptiku Tea into her view.

by dragonburst


Sooty Happiness
"That's it? He's locked himself in his room five times and gotten mad at me just because he wanted a petpet?!"

by thealleycat13

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