Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 175,957,853 Issue: 354 | 8th day of Hiding, Y10
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword azureel

Week - 229

Where Has Sloth Gone?
by azureel
Description: Sloth himself has not shown his slimy face in Neopia for over 5 YEARS! Which makes me wonder, “What is he doing?”

Week - 298

Black and White
by azureel
Description: The Altador Cup just isn't for everyone.

Week - 304

Black and White: New Petpet
by azureel
Description: ...

Week - 354

Black and White: Enjoying the Show
by azureel
Description: This is why people love the AC.

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TRAODAF: The PPL Isn't For Everyone
And in a pass deep in the Terror Mountain range, a determined activist trudges through the snow...

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A Game of Nostalgia
As you open the creaky gate, you may be surprised by the neat rows of headstones, quite at odds with the generally run down, dishevelled appearance of the rest of the Haunted Woods.

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Moon Rock Throwing Caution
Sloth didn't seem to be too happy...

by violetlime


AFK Gamers
You're going to need more than an apple a day for this one.

by kukyomisimi


From Sushi to Chaos
Byron frowned. He had labeled each of his products with a sticker that stated the price. He examined the container in the customer's hands and spotted that the bright yellow sticker was there, precisely in the middle of the clear container cap.

by ooriteddyaga

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