For an easier life Circulation: 175,301,044 Issue: 361 | 26th day of Gathering, Y10
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword bannai

Week - 361

Disrupted Ritual
by bannai
Description: Who dares disturb the Dark Faerie Jhudora...?

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From One Janitor To Another: A Guide To Janitor-ing
Don't you think that just ANYBODY can be a janitor. It takes skill, practice, and determination.

by bethdoll


In Short
I'm liking this!

by kimssuperanimals


Some abilities are nice, some stink, and some look like they're going to be fun but are really annoying.

by jindea


Avatar collecting can mess up your priorities.

by christa_iz_cool


Card House Secrets: The Prince - Part Four
"You really thought I was lying, didn't you?" Black Jack laughed easily, settling himself in a large executive chair behind his wide desk.

by appaloosa500

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