A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 175,300,980 Issue: 362 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y10
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword buizelmaniac

Week - 303

Talk About Random - "Lost Isle!"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Not exactly the Lost Isle... but close!

Week - 324

Talk About Random - "The Slingshot"
by buizelmaniac
Description: *WAM*

Week - 327

Talk About Random - "The Lookout"
by buizelmaniac
Description: LOOKOUT AHEAD

Week - 334

Talk About Random - "How to Become a Snow Ixi"
by buizelmaniac
Description: What are you guys doing?

Week - 329

Talk About Random - "The Reunion, Part 1"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Um... hi!

Week - 331

Talk About Random - "The Reunion: Part 2"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Does that mean he bites?

Week - 332

Talk About Random - "The Reunion: Part 3"
by buizelmaniac
Description: I promise not to laugh... :D

Week - 333

Talk About Random - "The Reunion: Part 4"
by buizelmaniac
Description: The reunion concludes, but the fun is just getting started...

Week - 350

Talk About Random - "DO NOT READ!"
by buizelmaniac
Description: A warning from all NT characters: Read at your own risk!

Week - 358

Talk About Random "Where Is Zappz? Part 1"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Hello there, little Ixi...

Week - 359

Talk About Random "Where Is Zappz? Part 2"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Things are going to get SPOOKY for Buizel...

Week - 360

Talk About Random "Where is Zappz? Part 3"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Of course he's not here!

Week - 361

Talk About Random "Where Is Zappz? Part 4"
by buizelmaniac
Description: Blayne has returned from Faerieland... but did he find Zappz or gypsies?

Week - 362

Talk About Random "Where Is Zappz? Part 5"
by buizelmaniac
Description: There you are...

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