Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,300,980 Issue: 362 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y10
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Keyquest - I Must Win!

by greenladysoap

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Just so Cute!
You're so cute! No no no, YOU'RE cute! No way, it is you who is cute!

by yampuff


Seashells: Part Six
And yet, despite this awful fate, the neopet quietly sang to herself as she worked, as she always did; the five adventurers did not know it, but that neopet was Samara's mother.

by iamcanadian1428


Tales From Travis: Lilly's Story
I had heard the pitiful cries of a pet being abandoned many times, but never so loudly...

by sooooocute5


Umbral Waltz
The full moon from the high window bathed the parlor in a silver light, making the yellow Aisha’s white lace dress shimmer as she stormed about the room in anger.

by reggieman721

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