Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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Week - 365

Good Ol' Sloth
by bubbleeee
Description: Hehe =D

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Great stories!


The Book: Part Seven
"She fell from the sky..." the Fortune Teller said distantly. "You don't think that maybe... a Faerie dropped her?"

by herdygerdy


Literally Speaking
Faerie Paintbrush, Rarity: 240, Price: ...?

by bannai


The Steps to Adopting
Adopting a neopet should not be hard at all. There are a few simple steps.

by kaitlinlovespuppies


Falling Rain: Part Six
In a flurry of rage, he dug his claws in and held fast...

by mutedsanity


The Yurble Diaries
Some kid went poking around the Hall of Heroes today. I was there, dancing with my mop like usual, when some snotty-faced kid stuck her nose in. RAARGH!

by lemonarra

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