The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword animetriplicate

Week - 231

How to Care for Crazy Pets
by animetriplicate
Description: I know what you're thinking. "Caring for crazy pets? Since when do I have a crazy pet?" Well, most families have one, even if they don't realize it.

Week - 326

Weewoo Madness
by neokid11115
Description: The Irony of Invisibility

Concept by animetriplicate

Week - 355

by animetriplicate
Description: Such a large house, somehow always full of sound and life. Now the only sound is my footsteps through the empty halls...

Week - 370

The Royalty Club
by animetriplicate
Description: I'd wanted to be Royal since before Mom had adopted me, for as long as I could remember. I almost started drooling, but that wasn't a very appropriate thing for a Royal-to-be to do...

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Customisation on Budgets
Your Neopet can look great without making a dent in your bank account.

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Toilet Paper Scraps::
Poor Hasee... :(

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Why the lab ray may not be the best idea for pets with phobias...

by butterflygirl113


The Mystery Island Breakfast Line
When waiting in a long line outside of a food store, do not let anything distract you, or else you'll end up like them.

by skullkandies


Messenger: The Journey North - Part One
We're located right behind the Petpet Supplies shop. We're a little red brick building with a corral, a kennel, and a yard off to the side. A wooden sign is nailed to the door, The Petpet Doctor.

by hedgehog_queen

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