Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Shut Up, Techo!

by laiomaia

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Great stories!


Von Roo's Tale
Von Roo continued, "I have been treated horribly, and wish to redeem myself to the citizens of Neopia. I wish to befriend them, not to scare them."

Also by akeyz

by chat_adik


Maxing Out: The Battle for Hi-Score Table Supremacy
The One Player Hi-Score Tables!

by stoicjohn


Living Randomly in Neopia
I am always finding things on the ground or getting things handed to me out of nowhere, randomly.

by darkstormer666


The Last Page: Part Five
With every puzzle I inscribed into the book, I was growing closer to the end, closer to the last page.

by silent_snow

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