Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 175,178,655 Issue: 371 | 12th day of Celebrating, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jrtluver1994

Week - 336

A Neopian History Lesson: Lupes and Chias
by doggybells
Description: Out shopping.

Written by jrtluver1994

Week - 351

A Simple Guide to Surviving the Summer
by jrtluver1994
Description: Take an excursion to Maraqua! This is an underwater paradise where the sun barely gets to you!

Also by iluvchocolate_91

Week - 371

Mini-Guide to Key Quest Mini-Games
by jrtluver1994
Description: How to play each mini-game in detail!

Also by iluvchocolate_91

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The White Weewoo came and...

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The Mirror: Part Three
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My Name is Lekida
But then Mrs Harvey came up to me and asked why I wasn't writing anything, and I said I didn't have an owner to write to. And she said I must have an owner...

by paperhippo


I wish... I wish...
I never ever get a single thing from the wishing well...

Idea by pseudo_philosopher

by cevierakasky


Trendy Knitwear From the Spider Grundo
This week, we'll be interviewing a unique new talent in the fashion world. You may know him from his earlier work stringing up hapless Neopets in his disgusting sticky webs...

by arula

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