A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,178,063 Issue: 374 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y11
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword buds_and_authors

Week - 370

A Tale Written
by buds_and_authors
Description: It was a long time ago, nearing the beginning of the world. Faerieland was only for faeries in this time...

Week - 372

A Certain Kind Of Magic: Part One
by buds_and_authors
Description: I didn't feel anything. No excitement, no love for my characters, just nothing. I sighed and crumpled the paper, tossing it into the bin.

Week - 373

A Certain Kind Of Magic: Part Two
by buds_and_authors
Description: After another moment of silence I burst out, "Alright, I made a mistake! So what?"

Week - 374

A Certain Kind Of Magic: Part Three
by buds_and_authors
Description: I would be absolutely glad to see you at work tomorrow. Come fast and at nine o'clock sharp. We shall not wait longer than fifteen minutes. At fifteen past nine, we shall fire you—if you're not there, that is.

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