The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,960,683 Issue: 376 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y11
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword dlandwehrs4816

Week - 362

Never Wish Upon a Starry Slorg
by dlandwehrs4816
Description: "I wish I could be a knight right now. They don't go tripping over slorgs..."

Week - 376

A Beast of an Adventure
by dlandwehrs4816
Description: "You wouldn't want to hurt us, puddle paws. We know where a grand treasure is buried in these mountains..."

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Pet altering random events, or P.A.R.E. for short, can't be considered either bad or good.

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When Your Owner is Crazy
I'm not making this stuff up. It doesn't get any weirder than this.

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A Most Serious Guide to Writing Epic Novels
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