There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword yoru_yamisai

Week - 339

Yamisai 1
by yoru_yamisai
Description: The wonders of Neopia

Week - 367

Yamisai 2
by yoru_yamisai
Description: Sparkles

Week - 376

Yamisai 3
by yoru_yamisai
Description: Dedicated to a friend who looked at a grubwich and said it looked tasty.

Week - 377

Problems With Colors
by yoru_yamisai
Description: Seriously.

Story by sariphe

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Misery at the Pound
"Hmmm... you must have been made for an avatar," mused Dr. Death. The Techo hated when owners did that.

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Only in Neopia...
Sorry, friend, but I can't stick around. I have to leaf.

by aokajin

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