Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword ellieq38

Week - 361

Ellieq Presents: Customisation Puzzles
by ellieq38
Description: I will give you a theme, neopets species and what type of items it takes to complete it, and you try to guess what wearable items and pet color will complete it.

Also by junkholder

Week - 382

Customization Puzzles: Set Two
by ellieq38
Description: Your goal is to try and guess the color and what wearable items it takes to complete it.

Also by sarah12__ss

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Great stories!


Regrets and Forgiveness: Part Two
"Look out, Lilly!! I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU!!" he bellowed...

by reeses_pet


A Mysterious Heir: Part Six
Syri closed her eyes and waited to be thrown in a cell for the second time today.

by dancer_sakura


Gadgadsbogen: The Festival of Delicious Food
There is something for everyone, when it comes to the mysterious, and sometimes magical, fruits and vegetables of the Island.

Also written by pand00

by danceswithpampers


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part One
"Then how do you suggest we address the matter?" the Head of the Altador Cup Committee spat.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Gadgads-battledoming: Fighting with Fruit
There has been interest shown in a Fruit-Only Battledome Tournament to be held during the second day of the Gadgadsbogen Festival.

by stoicjohn

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