Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 174,678,845 Issue: 383 | 13th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword gorillu

Week - 357

Ten Crimes Commited In The Altador Plot
by stadium__x
Description: Stealing is bad.

Also by gorillu

Week - 383

Eat Your Veggies
by gorillu
Description: Save yourself!

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Still grinning, the Zafara looked down at the doll in her hands as she walked away from Erin's house. Old and battered, its limbs hung down loosely.

by iloenchen


Sticky, Sweet, Controversial: Jelly
What's better than sticky, scrumptious Jelly?

by danceswithpampers


How Rude!
You look awesome!

Idea by nerdytiger

by misshamsterlover


Betrayed: Part One
Elou couldn't believe her luck; her owner and the nasty Techo from the Pound hadn't managed to find her!

by whiskerun


A Lesson
"Our owner's on vacation. We should be doing all sorts of crazy things that she never lets us do!"

by safekitten

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