Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword _lapaix

Week - 378

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part One
by _lapaix
Description: "Nothing ever happens here. It's probably the dullest place in Neopia."

Week - 379

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Two
by _lapaix
Description: "We'll run to Jhudora's Cloud, burst in there like we're the Space Faerie and she's Dr. Sloth, and demand that she set Illusen free!"

Week - 380

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Three
by _lapaix
Description: "What do you mean, it's closed?" a high-pitched voice screamed in the distance.

Week - 381

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Four
by _lapaix
Description: We ignored him, skirting our way around a crowd of hungry pets and towards the back of the room. There we heard a melodious voice chirrup, "A bit more salt, Pauline, and it'll be perfect."

Week - 382

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Five
by _lapaix
Description: "Maybe we shouldn't try the front doors," the Soup Faerie suggested.

Week - 383

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Six
by _lapaix
Description: "She wasn't telling us a horror story! She was giving us instructions!" I snapped.

Week - 384

An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Seven
by _lapaix
Description: "What if the room caves in, or Neopia explodes, or the stones disintegrate? Don't do it!"

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