Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword cyniska

Week - 208

Buried Treasure
by 0riginal_sin
Description: What does it take to get that darn treasure!? Ooh! I know! LUCK! Grrrr.

Also by cyniska

Week - 350

How to Maintain Neofriendships
by cyniska
Description: Regardless of who requested who or how the acquaintance came about, we find ourselves in situations where we haven't heard from our neofriends in ages...

Also by earthlingdreamz

Week - 351

Altador Cup: How to Stay on the Track to All-Star
by cyniska
Description: I am still on track to attaining the much desired Rank 20 in time despite falling behind schedule on several occasions. Here, I share the things that have kept me going...

Week - 365

Techo Says: A Comprehensive Guide to a Classic
by cyniska
Description: The layout of the game consists of six Neopets in roughly an oval arrangement, though it is much easier to think of them as two rows of three Neopets.

Also by ecaligiu

Week - 366

Tricks and Treats for a Happy Neopian Halloween
by cyniska
Description: The air is cool and crisp, the streets are swept with red and gold, and everywhere you go, there are fabulous decorations.

Week - 371

Celebrity Showdowns of Neopia
by cyniska
Description: There's nothing more entertaining than watching a good rivalry unfold. The NeoFamous (or rather, Infamous) have more than their share of the squabbles.

Week - 370

No Nose Knows Best!
by cyniska
Description: Great makeover!

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

Week - 377

Dances with Flowers: Reasons Why I Love Kacheeks and So Should You!
by cyniska
Description: A tribute to my favourite species for Kacheek Day. Thank you for reading!

Week - 379

The Case for a Valentine's Paint Brush
by cyniska
Description: Red and pink? Now that's a winning combination.

Week - 384

The Gift of Giving
by cyniska
Description: D'awww.

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

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How to Celebrate an Unforgettable Illusen Day
She is an Earth Faerie, to be exact, and loves plants, nature, and helping Neopians.

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Back to the easy quests for you!

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A Bouquet of Tulips
As soon as I was old enough to support myself I bought a rundown farm in the country. That was when I met Lani...

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The Gift of Giving

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

by cyniska


Happy Illusen Day, from Ubuuroi.

by lachtaube

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