Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 32 result(s) for the keyword micrody

Week - 247

Tales of a Petpet Campfire
by micrody
Description: "Welcome," a bright yellow Petpet said as he noticed the Faellie. "I'm Flo the Flowper! Is this your first time coming to the Petpet Retreat?"

Week - 250

by micrody
Description: "I have patience!" the Blumaroo protested, waving his bread around wildly...

Week - 252

Air Heart
by micrody
Description: "Well, you're an Air Faerie," the Earth Faerie responded, "and I don't see many Air Faeries with their heads out of the clouds."

Week - 254

The Eyes of Imari
by micrody
Description: I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

Week - 255

The Pianist's Quandary: Part One
by micrody
Description: The light of Kreludor, shining brightly in the dark sky, fell in through his windows and draped his room with an eerie grey light. In the distance, he could hear a piano playing. Its song was solemn...

Week - 256

The Pianist's Quandary: Part Two
by micrody
Description: "Ellamara," he whispered and the Xweetok gasped in surprise, her song coming to a sudden halt...

Week - 257

The Pianist's Quandary: Part Three
by micrody
Description: "I cannot recall if I was truly a princess or not, but my father always called me his little princess. After I became a ghost, when I woke up here, he was nowhere to be seen..."

Week - 258

Poison Doll
by micrody
Description: It had only been a few days since her Grandmamma had sent her a similar Neogram beginning with the same sentence, Please, do not be alarmed...

Week - 260

Hyperion: The Beginning
by micrody
Description: "You know where they'll end up," the second voice said. "Where all the others do." Dr. Death said nothing in response to this...

Week - 266

The Science of NeoQuest
by micrody
Description: Why do so many people play NeoQuest? Why do so many people not play NeoQuest? What makes the game so addictive, so great?

Week - 275

Rules of the House
by micrody
Description: "Fine, then, run about, do what you will, but, please, allow me time to write..."

Week - 276

by micrody
Description: The Pteri fluttered his wings in exasperation. "Haven't you heard the noises? The sky is falling!"

Week - 280

Hyperion: The Tear
by micrody
Description: The Moehog at the opposite end of the table smiled. "Of course," he said with a grin. "I'm assigning you your first mission as a Defender..."

Week - 283

Illusen's Day Off
by micrody
Description: "By order of Fyora, in punishment of thy many deeds dark and destructive, thou shalt be sentenced to a single day in the Glade..."

Week - 295

Feathers That Don't Merely Shine
by micrody
Description: "Hmm," was Sloth's initial response. His second response was, "You tell me this... because?"

Week - 299

Altadorian Astrology
by micrody
Description: Those twelve signs are beings both alive and unique unto themselves. So, too, is each being influenced by many hundreds of factors, few of which can be learned by studying these stars alone...

Week - 297

Yooyus in the Air: Why the Altador Cup was Delayed
by micrody
Description: The smell of loaded hot dogs and fruit-filled slushies wafts across the crowd. Suddenly, the raging spectators grow quiet as the colosseum darkens and the center ring opens on the field below....

Week - 313

Hyperion: The Ghost
by micrody
Description: "Hyperion, we are the Defenders of Neopia. We must defend our citizens from all evils, from all things, whether it be a selfish thief or an otherworldly killer..."

Week - 315

One in Every Bag
by micrody
Description: He looked from her to the pumpkin-shaped bag of candy on the table before him and then back to her for a second time. "How much longer now?"

Week - 323

Hyperion: The Holiday
by micrody
Description: "These cards? They're backed up at the factory. We probably won't have them in stock again till after Giving Day, maybe even after New Year's..."

Week - 335

by micrody
Description: This was where she was needed. And this was how it had been for years, ever since she had defeated Dr. Sloth eight years ago...

Week - 343

I Found You
by micrody
Description: I've rambled on long enough, Miguel. I hope you're doing all right, and I look forward to your next letter...

Week - 347

Tales of a Petpet Adventure: Part One
by micrody
Description: "Password?" the bush said and rustled a bit.

"Weewoo," said a Faellie in response...

Week - 348

Tales of a Petpet Adventure: Part Two
by micrody
Description: "It's not cruel at all. We're all imported from Feast for the Beast Farms, a subsidiary of Meri Acres Farmlands, where our motto is 'We're bred to be fed.' It's all rather humane, actually..."

Week - 350

So You Want To Be a Writer?
by micrody
Description: The first step to becoming a writer is learning what a story is so you can create your own.

Week - 359

by micrody
Description: Next to the bowl sat a small paper card, folded in half with the words, "Homemade hard candy. Five for 5NP."

Week - 360

So Cold In Faerieland
by micrody
Description: "Third floor," the librarian said. "Aisle eight."

Week - 373

Tween Dusk and Dawn: Part One
by micrody
Description: "What happens on New Year's Eve?"

Week - 374

Tween Dusk and Dawn: Part Two
by micrody
Description: It was simple, really, his rise to power. He'd planned his fall to the Space Faerie years before in Y2. He'd planned it all fifteen years in advance...

Week - 379

Bye Bye Valentine
by micrody
Description: We first met in preschool, but we never really talked until the first grade.

Week - 383

The Elegant and Extravagant Universe
by micrody
Description: Sloth was sad. No, not "boo-hoo, wa-ha" sad, but sad as in Seriously Addicted to Determination.

Week - 384

Illusen On Holiday
by micrody
Description: Morning rose over Meridell, and Illusen was just as fresh as the dew itself when she stepped out to greet Jhudora at the back of her Glade...

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