Meow Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword puppy_angle111

Week - 291

Ice Queen
by puppy_angle111
Description: This is why you should use weapons in the Battledome! :P

Week - 374

Ice Queen 2
by puppy_angle111
Description: Ever wonder why your plates and bowls keep disappearing after your pets have eaten?

Week - 378

Ice Queen 3
by puppy_angle111
Description: ...You just noticed? -.-

Week - 381

When Shadows Go Bad
by puppy_angle111
Description: Did you just hit me?!

Week - 384

When Shadows Go Bad 2
by puppy_angle111
Description: A rather... strange ending.

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Do not call Illusen a "mushroom-headed freak."

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The Attack of the Puffy, Angelic Babaas
Rushing downstairs, Illusen swung open the door to see if anything special had arrived during the night.

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Meet Lump
Lump is the strong, silent type.

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The Preposterous Professor - Episode 3
I before E except after C?

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