Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword rocknrollpup95

Week - 357

To Help A Faerie
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Jhudora grabbed the potion next to it and stuck it in front of my face. "One drop of this potion on you, and you will wish you never existed..."

Week - 363

Friendship in an Igloo
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Mika had totally forgotten. How could she forget Half Price Day? She was always all over the place too! "Oh yeah!" Mika cried. "It's Half Price Day!"

Week - 365

A Neopian Citizen
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Once upon a time, when Neopia had just started to grow as a society, there were two very good friends.

Week - 384

Dear Diary
by rocknrollpup95
Description: Jhudora picked the small book up. It was dusty and had no title. She opened it and blew some dust off.

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