Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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When Shadows Go Bad 2

by puppy_angle111

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Great stories!


The Attack of the Puffy, Angelic Babaas
Rushing downstairs, Illusen swung open the door to see if anything special had arrived during the night.

Also by grapesourhorse

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ILL-usen Day
"I sure hope nothing bad happens between Illusen and Jhudora. Jhudora Day was bad enough," Fyora thought to herself.

by black_skull725


Wings 'N' All
Oh man this is so totally awsome!

by artistic_cookie


Heart To Hear
Thanks, I just got my hair done. :D

by machatidokidoki

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