Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 180,846,367 Issue: 386 | 3rd day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword ralph89170

Week - 372

The Best Gift
by ralph89170
Description: "But wouldn't it be nice if we could go to Terror Mountain for a change this Christmas..."

Week - 381

Handed in for an English Homework: Part One
by ralph89170
Description: Once there was a time when I thought my owner would love me, even though I was just a terribly named yellow Gelert.

Week - 382

Handed in for an English Homework: Part Two
by ralph89170
Description: Then, last of all, she had written 'Sorry for what I'm about to do.' My blood ran cold.

Week - 383

Handed in for an English Homework: Part Three
by ralph89170
Description: There's a Halloween themed competition going on! Everyone's so excited! We all get pumpkins (unfortunately non-edible ones) and get to carve them however we want!

Week - 384

Handed in for an English Homework: Part Four
by ralph89170
Description: "I'm so scared of getting an owner who won't care about me, and I'll just sit there rotting. At least in the pound there are always things to do, people to talk to."

Week - 385

Handed in for an English Homework: Part Five
by ralph89170
Description: "Due to the lack of space, we are going to have to put you in cages."

Week - 386

Handed in for an English Homework: Part Six
by ralph89170
Description: I think all the pets here think I'm mad. I probably am. After all, an owner is an owner, no matter who they are.

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