Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 180,846,367 Issue: 386 | 3rd day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword yampuff

Week - 331

Rainbow Fountain Woes
by yampuff
Description: Why the Rainbow Fountain Faerie hates avatars...

Week - 338

When Muffins Fail
by yampuff
Description: Freshly baked muffins don't always bring happiness...

Week - 347

Getting the Best of the Post
by yampuff
Description: It makes a huge difference if the trade is the newest one there or the oldest.

Week - 350

Secrets of the Petpet Lab
by yampuff
Description: I've lost my marbles!

Also by starluff

Week - 352

Mind Boggling!
by yampuff
Description: A list of Neopia's top ten brain-teasers, each in a different location!

Week - 351

Silence of the Techo-fan
by yampuff
Description: There was only one fellow in Neopia who could do the job.

Week - 354

Happily Traded
by yampuff
Description: "Not all Neopets get along with their owners. Not all of us are happy simply with being well fed and cared for."

Week - 362

Just so Cute!
by yampuff
Description: You're so cute! No no no, YOU'RE cute! No way, it is you who is cute!

Week - 365

by yampuff
Description: Don't hurt him, he's my friend! D:

Week - 367

Grumpy Old Kings
by yampuff
Description: I always wondered where Skarl and Hagan get to during their breaks.

Week - 372

Seasonal Avatars
by yampuff
Description: Fifteen of the most seasonal, Christmas-y avatars out there! :)

Week - 380

Your Pot
by yampuff
Description: My free pot! D:

Week - 382

A Slorg by Any Other Name
by yampuff
Description: An article about the latest pet-naming trends.

Week - 386

Balthazar Blues
by yampuff
Description: Who says Paint Brushes have no practical function?

Idea by neckties

Week - 384

by yampuff
Description: Back to the easy quests for you!

Idea by neckties

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