Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword kirednb

Week - 384

New World: Part One
by kirednb
Description: Lari turned back to the shimmering portal and closed his eyes. "Never look back," he thought to himself...

Week - 385

New World: Part Two
by kirednb
Description: "Object of the game is to stop your opponent from reaching the back line of your end of the field."

Week - 386

New World: Part Three
by kirednb
Description: I pondered my fate. Obviously I was bound by the ancient prophecy to 'bring back the life to the land' but how does one go about doing that?

Week - 387

New World: Part Four
by kirednb
Description: Breakfast went slowly; we forced ourselves to make polite conversation for Kris, though I could tell the others wanted to continue the wrestling match.

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