Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,290,659 Issue: 388 | 17th day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword contemptible

Week - 388

Contemptible Ways
by contemptible
Description: "This is outrageous!"

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Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Ten
"You do not get to choose your name," she said. "Your name is proved by your actions."

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Secrets in Shenkuu: Part Three
"Princess Lunara, what are you doing in the kitchen?" he inquired. "This is a place for servants and chefs, not princesses."

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The Grey Day of Spring
It was her favourite day of year. In fact, it was the only day of the year that she liked at all. There was no wind, no weather, no smiles. Just gloom.

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So Not Fair!: Part One
"But Eryn!" she wailed. "I'm tired of being brown! I've been brown since, like... forever!"

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Pain(t)ful realization
I've decided to change my look.

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