Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 174,290,659 Issue: 388 | 17th day of Eating, Y11
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword majikel

Week - 367

Sound of the Ocean
by majikel
Description: "The ocean," I breathed out in a whisper, entranced just by the thought of it.

Week - 368

Finding Frieda
by majikel
Description: The day Piper moved to Mystery Island was one of the worst days of my life.

Week - 370

Plushie Island: Part One
by majikel
Description: At the Plushie Palace, we don't have names. I'd never even heard of a "name" before, until Ginger came.

Week - 371

Plushie Island: Part Two
by majikel
Description: Everyone groaned, including me. What possibly could have gone wrong with our perfect plans?

Week - 372

Plushie Island: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "Look!" several plushies shrieked, pointing and causing the makeshift boat to tilt back and forth to the sides. "There's the island!"

Week - 373

I Wasn't Spying
by majikel
Description: That's when her sister, Alyett, a yellow Eyrie, walked in. "You got a sundae?" she asked in disbelief. "Did you get me one?"

Week - 388

So Not Fair!: Part One
by majikel
Description: "But Eryn!" she wailed. "I'm tired of being brown! I've been brown since, like... forever!"

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