Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 170,229,176 Issue: 391 | 8th day of Hunting, Y11
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword o_liveandlearn_o

Week - 367

See You Later
by o_liveandlearn_o
Description: "All we have to do is to rip open a hole in the space-time fabric, using the machine Dr. Sloth has so helpfully left, and keep a stable enough wormhole for a person to go through. Any questions?"

Week - 374

A Tail of Two Krawks
by o_liveandlearn_o
Description: He spoke only four words, but it had sent his friend into complete and total shock. Those words? "Let's bug Jhudora today."

Week - 391

by o_liveandlearn_o
Description: Today was a very special day, but Abigail seriously doubted that her brother knew.

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Treasure Hunt
Very carefully, he brushed aside several layers of sand. What he found was astounding! More gold pieces!

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The Ghost Lupe's Pet Peeve
I wonder why the Ghost Lupe hates Mystery Island so much...?

Script by geestelijk

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The Treasure
I have found a dubloon!

Idea by leosponge

by marivitri


Snow Day Blues
Starring Fyrenar the fire Lupe. :)

by kristine_uno86


The Mystery of the Disappearing Socks
Hilly heaved a sigh, stood up and looked over the socks laid out on the floor.

There were no matches.

by mezvi_the_shnooky

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