Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword chipmunks_rule

Week - 400

400 Times The Madness
by chipmunks_rule
Description: This morning started out the same as usual.

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Flying High: Part Seven
Another look of anger spread over Jhudora's face. "I don't need to cheat or use magic to defeat a puny human like you!" she snapped...

by bugsypal9


I like to stare at shoes. It's always been one of my fancies, looking at all of the plastic, the leather, the cotton I could never have.

by nativsis


Team Squad Force: Big Bad Baron
Will this be the end of our heroes?

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The Curse: Part Eight
The next day Lord Darigan arrived back again quite unexpectedly. Lockwood was, in fact, exactly in the middle of an excessively complicated spell...

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Publishing Woes and Weewoos

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

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