Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 172,538,252 Issue: 401 | 17th day of Swimming, Y11
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword iamcanadian1428

Week - 357

Seashells: Part One
by iamcanadian1428
Description: The seashell had been the last gift her mother had given her before that fateful day...

Week - 358

Seashells: Part Two
by iamcanadian1428
Description: "We have to get her out of here," she said at last, and Ulalume looked at her in surprise...

Week - 359

Seashells: Part Three
by iamcanadian1428
Description: "It's just a shell I found on the beach," Samara said, perplexed. "There's nothing special about it."

Week - 360

Seashells: Part Four
by iamcanadian1428
Description: Samara did her best to look miserable as Hareth and Darren led her down a hall and into the prison cells. She didn't really know how she was going to save her mother...

Week - 361

Seashells: Part Five
by iamcanadian1428
Description: "I'm not caught," Samara said stubbornly. "I'm in here by choice. I have to find my mother before I leave."

Week - 362

Seashells: Part Six
by iamcanadian1428
Description: And yet, despite this awful fate, the neopet quietly sang to herself as she worked, as she always did; the five adventurers did not know it, but that neopet was Samara's mother.

Week - 367

The Elements of the Exploring: Part One
by iamcanadian1428
Description: She smiled to herself and sped up, thinking she had won, until suddenly, a cloud of fire appeared before her...

Week - 368

The Elements of the Exploring: Part Two
by iamcanadian1428
Description: The cave was dark and damp, and though Listanie illuminated the immediate area around them, the five faeries couldn't see more than a couple of feet into the darkness.

Week - 369

The Elements of the Exploring: Part Three
by iamcanadian1428
Description: Disparity took a deep breath and sat back on her heels, looking miserable. They had been digging for ages and weren't making any progress, and they were all exhausted.

Week - 370

The Elements of the Exploring: Part Four
by iamcanadian1428
Description: "You'd better come with me," she called, trying to sound as welcoming as she could. "Otherwise you might never get out of here."

Week - 400

The Messenger: Part One
by iamcanadian1428
Description: Rasala stared out her window, her head in her paws as she peered through the glass. Outside, the sun shone bright in the Mystery Island sky.

Week - 401

The Messenger: Part Two
by iamcanadian1428
Description: "Once," she said quietly, her eyes gazing off into the distance, "I had a dream."

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