Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 173,003,368 Issue: 402 | 24th day of Swimming, Y11
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Untitled Woes: Wings=Win!

by yankee1925

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Tyrannian Ways Differ
He was just unaware...

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I've Never Felt Better: Part One
Lord Tamerson absolutely hated visitors.

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The Pound Chat (Jazzy style)- The Lingo Edition
This board has it all and more, but the most confusing part is of course getting to know the lingo.

by chrissy468141


James Nexis - Betrayal: Part Two
Waves of boiling heat rose up from the sand, threatening to cook any unwary travellers who should be stupid enough to step outside their ship without half a ton of ice to stand on.

by punctuation_ninja

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